10 days – 10 posts

IMG_8177With a new year you are bound to find new challenges. Challenges to keep the pounds off, to spend more down time or start getting active. I have to admit I’m terrible at challenges and usually don’t even start. But as I was thinking of the idea of challenges I realized more then anything it is about getting into new habits.

This week as I was sharing some of the different ways we can use social media to be inspired and connect with fellow educators at one of my schools, I thought a 10 day challenge could just do the trick. It was short and sweet and hopefully just the right length. If folks posted once a day for 10 days to the social media platform of their choice (hence the general term POST) they could begin to develop a habit of sharing and connecting.

It’s funny how sometimes we set up learning experiences for others and we realize we need them just as much. As I shared the image yesterday on Instagram and Twitter I realized the term POST was a little vague, some friends thought it was 10 blog posts. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I don’t know about you, but when it comes to writing, no matter how much I love it, the excuses keep pilling up:

  • I need to reply to those emails
  • I need an extra slide to that presentation
  • I need to do the laundry,
  • Scrub the floors
  • Clean the bathroom

Even if I have a page full of ideas, I still let the the laundry list of things to do take over. So for the next 10 days no more excuses. A post a day it is! I won’t stress about perfection (I may have a problem with overthinking things), I won’t stress about length even if it is just  one question. Hopefully I can get into the habit of sharing my thoughts.

Here goes nothing! I need a buddy? Anyone want to take up a 10 day challenge with me? What platform will you choose to share daily for 10 days?