Bringing Back 10 Posts

IMG_8177Last year I was offering a staff meeting on sharing and connecting via social media and I put out a quick challenge: 10 Posts in 10 Days. It’s all about getting started and I was hopping for something simple, not too complicated to entice folks. Ironically I wasn’t thinking of myself when I shared it but thanks to an innocent comment on Instagram the challenge became personal: writing a blog post a day for 10 days.

It was awesome to have a bunch of PLN friends join in and posted for 10 days. Some were blog posts but others posted to Instagram or Twitter for the 10 days. It was all about a personal challenge. A challenge to connect and get in the habit. For me it was also moving away from long, over thought posts and just writing. A way to consolidate my thoughts and ideas.

A year later I’m back. I kept thinking I should do it again, always waiting for the perfect time. Then I saw other challenges and thought maybe they would be better. Perhaps it was all a ploy to procrastinate. As I was reading George Couros’ blog post this weekend the word that kept coming to mind was CONSISTENT. And as I look at my to do list I realize now may not be the best time but then again when is there ever a perfect time.

So here it goes. 10 posts in 10 days starting tonight. Feel free to join in if/when it works for you. It may be sharing an image a day on Instagram or checking in to Twitter or maybe you want to blog daily too.